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Trainee View for Program Directors, Authors and Experts

To get a sense of how training appears; Experts, Program Directors, and Authors can now be given a Trainee role by the User Admin.

For granting access, the User Admin needs to go to User Management (Not Trainee Management) and assign a trainee role.

What will change?

Next time, the user logs in (Requires user to log out and log back in) the default landing page will become the trainee view (Virtual Agent) with a menu (Hamburger) Icon.


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Trainee View for Program Directors, Authors and Experts

To get a sense of how training appears; Experts, Program Directors, and Authors can now be given a Trainee role by the User Admin.

For granting access, the User Admin needs to go to User Management (Not Trainee Management) and assign a trainee role.

What will change?

Next time, the user logs in (Requires user to log out and log back in) the default landing page will become the trainee view (Virtual Agent) with a menu (Hamburger) Icon.


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