Return On Investment Calculator for

Welcome! Our quick ROI Calculator is here to show you how much better your IT helpdesk could be with Just tell us how many people work at your company and how many helpdesk tickets you get in a year. Not sure about your ticket numbers? No worries, we'll use average numbers to help you out. We consider both L1 and L2 tickets for our calculations. Want to know even more? Get in touch and we'll dive deeper.

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ROI in percentage
Year 1 :
Year 2 :
Year 3 :
--- cost
Year 1 :
Year 2 :
Year 3 :
No of ticket auto-resolved
Year 1 :
Year 2 :
Year 3 :
$ Value of tickets auto-resolved
Year 1 :
Year 2 :
Year 3 :
Auto resolution rate
Organizations with a staff size of _______ FTE can realize significant cost savings by auto-resolving _____  of service desk issues in year 1 _____  in year 2, and ____  in year 3. Typical cost for resolving a service desk ticket is _____ . Adopting would drive reducing this cost by _____ amplifying these savings further.
Employee productivity
Adopting can save 24 hours of unproductive employee time per year per employee. Saving time is done by reducing time to resolution, automation and improving responsiveness to requests. For an organization of ______ employees, this results in saving ________ hours annually.
Agent efficiency
Service agents efficiency improves due to reduction (deflection) of tickets and reduced time spent resolving tickets. Implementing would lead to over a _____ reduction in MTTR and over _____ improvement in first response time, revolutionizing your IT service operations and enhancing overall business productivity. leverages advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to intelligently automate routine IT service tasks, analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and anomalies, support with auto responses and provide proactive insights for faster issue resolution.
24/7 Support
24/7 GenAI based employee support brings unparalleled benefits to your organization. We ensure round-the-clock availability for IT support, resolving issues instantly and reducing downtime.
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