AURA Insights

Get Notified About Problematic Tickets Before they Breach Any SLA

Utilizing advanced AI analytics, AURA Insights highlights tickets at risk of escalation and provides the information you need to act.

Additional Highlights

Get a Bird's Eye View of Your Ticketing Analytics

See what makes's SideKick 3.0 a no-brainer for your everyday business operations.

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Sentiment Analysis

AURA Insights identifies user-sentiment based on the description and any notes added and provides a full explanation for its selection.

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Suggested Responses

AURA Insights generates a suggested response for the end-user based on its action plan and the most recent communication on the ticket.

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Trend Analysis

Incoming tickets are analyzed in real time, allowing AURA Insights to notify you as soon as a trend is detected! For example, if there’s suddenly an influx of Incidents being reported within a short time-frame for the same issue, Aura Insights will make sure you’re aware and ready to act.

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Desk IQ

Analyze your existing, closed tickets. Identify and organize your historical data to tell you if they could have been solved via additional knowledge or task automation.

Investors Community Bank Boosts Efficiency with's Conversational Ticketing System

See Why Our Customers Love Us

"It [] is very easy to use. Now employees can submit a ticket, can get ticket status, and ask questions. Management is also very happy about the approvals with within MS Teams"

Tan Nguyen

Leader, Digital Workplace
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Security and Compliance ensures the highest levels of data security and information privacy. We comply with all major global data security standards to give you peace of mind.

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Frequently Asked Questions are and its capabilities

How does AURA Insights determine which tickets are the most likely to be escalated?

AURA Insights analyzes your tickets and intelligently ranks them using several different factors, such as user sentiment, agent communication, and SLA data.

Can I see an explanation for the user sentiment decision?

Yes. AURA Insights will always provide an explanation for the chosen sentiment using information directly from the ticket.