AI Creator Studio – Workflow Automations
Expand Your Bot’s Capabilities by Building New Automations!
Our AI Creator Studio enables the integration of third-party services, allowing you to develop custom automations tailored to your organization.
Additional Highlights
The Only ITSM Automation Hub You Need
See what makes's SideKick 3.0 a no-brainer for your everyday business operations.
Complex automations may require additional customization. With JavaScript at your disposal, you can implement any function necessary to accomplish the task effectively.
Adaptive Cards constitute the bot's entire user interface, utilizing Microsoft's Adaptive Card JSON standard. They are highly customizable and versatile. If you have experience with Microsoft Power Automate, this will be familiar.
With basic tools to set conditions, reset variables, and split paths, you can construct an entire workflow without any coding or scripting.
By linking one flow to another, you can create intricate automations and repurpose commonly used automations across various use cases.

See Why Our Customers Love Us
Security and Compliance ensures the highest levels of data security and information privacy. We comply with all major global data security standards to give you peace of mind.

Frequently Asked Questions are and its capabilities
Nope! While javascript is available to those who would like to use it, Creator Studio is built from the ground-up to not require the use of coding or scripting. Our simple drag-and-drop interface offers common tools to lower the barrier of entry.
CreatorStudio offers a simple Rollback feature within the Deployments menu that allows you to instantly roll back any mistakenly deployed packages.
Creator Studio broadly supports REST API. As long as the product you’re trying to integrate with offers a REST API, you can build an automation that utilizes it.