
How Can It Service Desk Increase Your User Satisfaction?

How Can It Service Desk Increase Your User Satisfaction?
Service Desk

No matter how big or small the business is or what industry they are in, dedicated and hardworking employees are the lifeblood of every organization. Your employees’ efforts and strategies towards your company lead it to new heights. Thus, it is critical to keep your employees engaged and satisfied to boost your organization's total productivity and achieve your goals. The need for seamless employee experience, personalized support, and higher satisfaction levels have been increasingly important. Employees in the past were satisfied with reasonable wages and benefits offered by their organization. But then the global pandemic-COVID-19 happened and altered our regular life and livelihood! Employees were forced to adapt to a distributed work culture, and face-to-face interaction changed to meetings via collaborative channels like MS Teams, Zoom, Slack etc. Employees who previously liked the flexibility of remote work now feel detached from coworkers and the organization, experiencing stress, isolation, discouragement, dissatisfaction and frustration. 

Though, employees expected that things would begin to stabilize and that they would be able to return to work in 2022, the outbreak of Omicron and Monkey Pox has prompted global companies to postpone their return-to-work plans. Apart from these, the corporate world is dealing with challenges like ongoing Great Resignations, employee attrition, rising recession, quiet quitting, pressure to maintain employee and customer satisfaction, sagging sales, etc. As reported by Evening Standard, the rate of UK workers quitting their jobs was at its highest since 2009, with a record 4.5 million persons quitting in November 2021 alone. In another report by the HR Director, around 29% of UK employees were considering quitting their present job. The report also found that one of the most common reasons for leaving a job was a low wage and benefits and poor job satisfaction. Now here comes the million-dollar question! How can companies overcome these significant workplace challenges and prioritize employee satisfaction to retain their employees? Investing in the right technology can help! And when it comes to cutting-edge technology, a modern IT service desk is your call!

In this article, will provide insight into the importance of user (employee) satisfaction and how an automated IT service desk can boost user satisfaction in this challenging economic scenario. 

Let’s begin:

Employee Satisfaction: Why It Matters In 2022?

It is true that enhancing customer satisfaction and business ROI are critical goals for every organization. But, in order to achieve this goal, you should first prioritize your employees. Because when you take care of your employees, they will take care of your customers and perform better at the workplace.

User satisfaction has always been a bonus for effective cost management and production levels. A company that prioritizes its employees and strives to ensure they feel fulfilled and appreciated at work is frequently referred to as an edgy company. Employee satisfaction measures how happy and satisfied an employee is with his/her job, work environment, and company culture. Their wages, non-monetary incentives, and career advancement possibilities are just a few factors influencing employee happiness. Employee satisfaction levels in the workplace help to avoid employee burnout and keep employees motivated to perform in their roles. 

Most businesses grasp the notion of employee satisfaction, but many struggle to comprehend why it is so essential and how to maintain high levels of employee satisfaction. In this ever-evolving workplace, modern employees must reevaluate what is essential to them in their personal and professional lives. Poor employee job satisfaction levels can have severe consequences for a company. Today, an organization's success depends on reducing service desk turnover and enhancing user experience and satisfaction.

In order to keep employees engaged and happy, CIOs and CEOs must fulfill their employees’ needs. As a result, it may boost employee retention and engagement and have a more satisfied workforce.

What Modern Employees Want Today?

Needless to say, employee needs have changed considerably ever since the pandemic outbreak. Thus, managers must keep an eye on the health of their organization. An employee's well-being reflects his or her physical, mental, and emotional health. When employee needs are not satisfied, the organization will likely experience adverse results. But what are the critical needs of your employees? 

  1. Personalized Employee Support

    Personalized and immediate support is the first thing every employee expects from his/her organization. For a long time, companies across the globe relied on the old-fashioned or traditional service desk for resolving an incident or performing a service request. Employees who encounter any kind of challenge will very certainly file a ticket in which they describe the nature of their problem. A dedicated support agent will investigate each case and address it as per the priority. A traditional service desk often provides fragmented and delayed support leading to confusion- ultimately hindering employee productivity and experience. The modern workforce, therefore, requires direct support personalized directly to them, rather than waiting for support agents to provide them with a more general solution.

  2. Availability Of Right Information

    When an employee has a query, he or she is supposed to look up the answer on the service portal. Most of the time, the employee would leave the portal because the content on the site would not address the employee's specific pain points. Despite this, employee portals require regular content assessments and updates. Traditional portals will no longer support employees in finding solutions to their difficulties if this is not done.

    Today, modern employees want all the information in a single, unified place which helps them resolve their issues and get their queries answered.

  3. Flexible Work Culture

    If you want to enhance employee satisfaction, it is best not to impose strict work hours on them. Employees are no longer content to work 9 to 5 stuck at their desks. Employees today require flexible work hours to be comfortable, which leads to higher performance. However, giving flexible work hours does not imply sacrificing the quality of work. You should give your employees this flexibility as long as the work is completed on time.

  4. Adequate Employee Training And Development

    Instructor-led training sessions that last countless hours are no longer appealing to employees. Employees find it tedious. As a result, they look for a modern and flexible learning approach that is precise and concentrated on enhancing employee skills. When your employees get opportunities to enhance their professional skills, it will enhance employee engagement, satisfaction and productivity to the next level.

What Makes Technology The Final Frontier For Employee (End-User) Satisfaction?

Since the pandemic outbreak in 2020, employees have been relying more than ever on cutting-edge technologies as they attempt to adapt to the new wave of remote and hybrid work culture. Employees can do a better job if they have the right tools. Advanced technologies like automated IT service desks allow companies to streamline tedious and routine tasks and processes and allow employees to devote more time to serious tasks. With the right tool, employees can communicate more effectively, stay on top of their inboxes, and send more effective and honest messages, resulting in better connections with customers and coworkers. Technological advances can increase productivity and positively impact employees' personal lives. Employees can use these tools to be more productive at work, acquire more flexibility between their professional and home lives, and build stronger working relationships.

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How An AI-Powered IT Service Desk Boost User Satisfaction?

Employee experience and satisfaction are directly related to personalized and simplified employee assistance. Suppose your employees do not receive appropriate solutions to their difficulties and sufficient answers to their inquiries. In that case, they may lose interest in working with your organization and consider switching to another company. On the other hand, traditional service desks have shown themselves to be ineffective in providing employees with holistic support. Instead of an integrated service desk, a traditional IT service desk delivers fragmented employee support, leaving employees unsure whom to contact and how to resolve their difficulties. Furthermore, the manual ticketing method in traditional IT service desks was frequently too difficult for all employees inside an organization to understand and use. This caused employees to prefer sending emails and making phone calls over contacting the IT help desk agent. By introducing an AI-based IT service desk within your organization, you may fix this issue while also boosting employee satisfaction and experience.

An AI-based IT service desk is powered by advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). It allows your employees to eliminate all the challenges they face when using traditional service desks. The modern IT service desk enables all department employees to receive tailored assistance from a single integrated platform. An AI service desk serves as an IT help desk, an HR help desk, a finance help desk, and automated project management. It enables your employees to get quick and robust solutions to their queries in a matter of seconds. Finally, when your employees receive comprehensive support and customized attention, you may expect a rise in end-user engagement and satisfaction.

Here are some ways AI-enabled IT service desks might make your employees happier at work. 

  1. Conversational AI Chatbot

    Robust communication and collaboration have always been a big concern when employees request help from a company. Traditional service desks sent all employee cases to support agents, resulting in a growing backlog and a lack of personalized solutions.

    The modern IT service desk uses a conversational AI-powered chatbot to ensure speedy and tailored communication. It entails deploying AI chatbots for the first level of support that all your employees share. They must log in to the service desk, and a virtual assistant will address all of their inquiries. AI chatbots respond almost instantly to all essential questions an employee may have.

    However, if employees are dissatisfied with the chatbot's first-level support (L1), it will route their cases to an expert support agent for second-level support (L2). As a result, the adoption of conversational AI ensures that your employees do not have to go elsewhere for solutions and receive personalized support.

  2. Auto-resolve Employees’ Issues

    By evaluating all available resources fed into the system, the smart chatbot will do its best to provide the most appropriate solution to the issue stated. Most issues are fixed here, and the employee receives all responses from first-level support by the bot.

  3. Service Desk Integration With Collaborative Tools

    Global organizations have used online collaborative channels to create virtual workspaces for their employees. You may integrate an IT service desk into your organization's collaborative platform to provide seamless support to your employees while they work remotely.

    This helps your team to continue working while also obtaining the right solutions to difficulties when they are stuck on the same platform. Furthermore, the AI service desk may use your virtual workspace's enterprise knowledge base to understand your employees better and provide them with holistic support.

  4. Invisible Ticketing System

    One of the most significant benefits of having an automated service desk is that it eliminates the need for a manual ticketing system. The conversational chatbot handles the entire process of creating, maintaining, and closing support and request tickets, saving your personnel time and effort. When one of your employees raises an issue that the virtual assistant is unable to resolve, the chatbot will instantly open a ticket invisibly on their behalf and route the case to an appropriate expert. Based on the issue, the expert will devise the appropriate remedy and transmit it to your staff via the virtual assistant.

    A chatbot will close the ticket once the employee is satisfied with the response.

  5. Robust Knowledge Management

    It has been a long time since enterprise knowledge has been wasted and underutilized. In organizations, information is often mixed with data, losing out on the opportunity to improve the knowledge base that employees rely on to provide seamless support. On the other hand, modern counterparts automate the process of maintaining enterprise knowledge to provide seamless staff support. Through robust knowledge management, AI-enabled IT service desks deliver scalable solutions. When employees ask for assistance, an AI-powered virtual assistant will search the company's knowledge base and return the most relevant information right within collaborative platforms. This will boost employee experience.

  6. Seamless Employee Training

    Many enterprises devote adequate time and resources to educating their employees on specific tasks and using specific software platforms. Hiring professionals and organizing long training sessions might be expensive. The modern IT service desk also provides employee training via microlearning. This enables employees to learn new skills independently via bite-sized chunks rather than spending hours in a classroom. This decreases the cost of training new hires or integrating new software systems. Moreover, employees who learn micro-skills on their own can concentrate more on their work and perform better. Integrating a microlearning system within your IT service desk helps boost your organization's productivity, resulting in good ROI.

  7. Exceptional Employee Onboarding Experience

    Employee onboarding is a critical HR activity for every organization-regardless of its size. It is all about creating a first impression of your company among your new hires. Even though employee onboarding generates few tickets, they may require a substantial amount of time due to the involvement of several departments. Onboarding is a critical part of the employee life cycle, and when done correctly, it may yield significant rewards for businesses.

    Thus, employee onboarding requires significant HR department attention, with rigorous planning, implementation, and analysis to ensure effective handling. However, IT service desks fail to provide new workers with frameworks and stability, resulting in high employee turnover rates.

  8. Automate Manual Tasks

    In this ever-changing workplace, most employees are burdened with tedious and time-consuming manual tasks like "monitoring the VPN status," “configuring laptop”, "resetting a password," "collecting reports and insights," and so on. As a result, they are inefficient and unproductive. IT service desks may automate various IT and HR-related multi-step manual processes from within collaborative platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Slack. This type of automation will assist businesses in reducing company friction and allowing staff to accomplish activities more efficiently.

  9. Automated Employee Survey

    Your IT service desk can be an excellent source of information about your employees' satisfaction. It allows companies to conduct automated employee surveys in real-time, one of the best ways for businesses to understand their employees. It is an efficient method of discovering your employees' dedication to their work and what they feel about their organization. Employers can change this feedback into useful, integrated insights that improve employee satisfaction and overall experience. Employers can better determine employee requirements and expectations by using these techniques. Employers can also utilize employee surveys to increase employee engagement, recognition, and retention strategies, among other things. Using employee experience surveys to make employees feel heard and appreciated will help companies to build a culture of trust, elevate employee engagement and minimize attrition.

    Read: Why Employee Surveys Are Necessary For Organizations?


Employee satisfaction is a hot topic that every organization must measure because higher employee satisfaction influences the sustainability and success of your organization. To enhance employee satisfaction, employers must adopt modern IT service desks with the advanced features mentioned above. An AI-enabled IT service desk allows you to take the first step to fully automated employee support and bring new meanings to the employee experience.

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