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Trainee Grouping in Morsel | help center

Nowdays, when there is continuos need to impart new skills and trainings to people in any orgazisation or students, the size of target audience can go really huge. Assigning courses to each and every learner individually can be tedious and monotonus. This problem creates a space for innovation and to create a solution which can make this daunting task easy, quick and something reusable.   

Grouping of Trainees  

Assembling the learners in different groups and using these groups as houses, where if anything is assigned gets distributed to all the member of groups and if taken away get removed from all the members.   


Creating Groups  

Program Directors can create groups using the existing trainees list. Then these groups further can be used to distribute courses.   


Using existing groups from Active Directory  

Existing groups created in active directory can be reused. Additional members can be included which are part of existing trainee lists. We can leave if any member from active directory group doesn't need to be part of group.   


Updating group  

Groups can continously be updated by adding/ removing learners. As member in active directory group keeps changing, groups can also be syncronysed accordngly using using sync functionality. Additional member in active directory can be added and if any member is not part of aad these can be removed from group.   


Dropping group  

If any group is not required anymore, it can be deactivated. All entities inherited by learner because of group will be disolved.  


Multiple owners  

Groups can be choosen to manage by multiple owners. Creater of the group can choose any user as the owner of group who is a Program Director.

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Trainee Grouping in Morsel | help center

Nowdays, when there is continuos need to impart new skills and trainings to people in any orgazisation or students, the size of target audience can go really huge. Assigning courses to each and every learner individually can be tedious and monotonus. This problem creates a space for innovation and to create a solution which can make this daunting task easy, quick and something reusable.   

Grouping of Trainees  

Assembling the learners in different groups and using these groups as houses, where if anything is assigned gets distributed to all the member of groups and if taken away get removed from all the members.   


Creating Groups  

Program Directors can create groups using the existing trainees list. Then these groups further can be used to distribute courses.   


Using existing groups from Active Directory  

Existing groups created in active directory can be reused. Additional members can be included which are part of existing trainee lists. We can leave if any member from active directory group doesn't need to be part of group.   


Updating group  

Groups can continously be updated by adding/ removing learners. As member in active directory group keeps changing, groups can also be syncronysed accordngly using using sync functionality. Additional member in active directory can be added and if any member is not part of aad these can be removed from group.   


Dropping group  

If any group is not required anymore, it can be deactivated. All entities inherited by learner because of group will be disolved.  


Multiple owners  

Groups can be choosen to manage by multiple owners. Creater of the group can choose any user as the owner of group who is a Program Director.

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