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Send Untrained Utterance Report to Bot Analysts

We are often so focused on the day-to-day tasks that we miss out on the opportunities available to us that can potentially reduce those same tasks. We identified that the same thing is happening when admins are missing the opportunity to train the Virtual Assistant on the scenarios where it was not able to provide a resolution.

The Virtual Assistant generates huge amounts of data daily and logs the questions/use cases where it was unable to answer or didn’t meet the end-user expectations. This data is visible in the Train section within Supervised Learning. By taking the time to train the bot on these past fails, Admins are making the Virtual Assistant smarter.


With some configurable changes, these untrained utterances can be emailed to those with the Bot Analyst role as Excel reports. The report will contain all the untrained utterances generated up to when the time report is sent. This report is scheduled to be sent periodically on Friday.

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Send Untrained Utterance Report to Bot Analysts

We are often so focused on the day-to-day tasks that we miss out on the opportunities available to us that can potentially reduce those same tasks. We identified that the same thing is happening when admins are missing the opportunity to train the Virtual Assistant on the scenarios where it was not able to provide a resolution.

The Virtual Assistant generates huge amounts of data daily and logs the questions/use cases where it was unable to answer or didn’t meet the end-user expectations. This data is visible in the Train section within Supervised Learning. By taking the time to train the bot on these past fails, Admins are making the Virtual Assistant smarter.


With some configurable changes, these untrained utterances can be emailed to those with the Bot Analyst role as Excel reports. The report will contain all the untrained utterances generated up to when the time report is sent. This report is scheduled to be sent periodically on Friday.

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